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Who We Are Policies & Procedures

FVSRA Policies & Procedures

Please review the policies listed below. Any questions or concerns should be directed to Alex Engelhardt, Executive Director, at 630-907-1114 or

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Code of ConductDisciplineMandated Reporter PolicyMedication DispensingParticipant ExpectationsPhotography & VideoSupervision ProcedureDrop Off & Pick Up Procedure •  Refund PolicyWeather CancellationAmericans with Disabilities Act (ADA)Equal Access

Code of Conduct

All participants, patrons, and spectators are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior at all times. The following guidelines have been developed to help make programs safe and enjoyable for all. Additional rules may be developed for specific programs as deemed necessary by staff. The agency insists that all participants, patrons, and spectators comply with the following
FVSRA Code of Conduct:
• Show respect to all participants, staff, volunteers, and patrons.
• Listen to and comply with staff direction and program rules, including staying within program boundaries.
• Allow others in the program and those at public facilities to enjoy the activity without disruption.
• Refrain from using foul language or other offensive behavior such as rude gestures, sexually explicit language, or inappropriate touching.
• Refrain from threatening or causing bodily harm to self, other participants, patrons, or staff.
• Show respect for equipment, supplies, and facilities.
• Not possess any weapons, illegal substances, or alcohol.
• Not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs which would impair the ability to safely participate in the program.


A positive approach will be used regarding discipline. If inappropriate behavior occurs, a prompt resolution will be sought specifically to each individual’s situation. The agency reserves the right to dismiss a participant, patron, or spectator whose behavior endangers their safety or the safety of others. If a participant is suspended from FVSRA programs, a meeting with the Superintendent of Recreation, the participant, and their guardian will be scheduled to determine the requirements to return to FVSRA programs.

Mandated Reporters

All FVSRA staff are mandated by the State of Illinois to make a report to the DCFS or OIG hotline if they observe a situation that provides reasonable cause to suspect abuse/neglect. Workers in certain professions, including “recreational program,” personnel have this legal mandate. Staff are trained on signs and symptoms of abuse/neglect and procedures for making a report.

Medication Dispensing

If medication needs to be dispensed during a program, you must indicate this on the registration form. Complete and sign the Permission To Dispense Medication / Waiver and Release of All Claims forms found at You will need to provide written medication dispensing instructions. If approved, the medicine must be delivered to the Program Leader onsite at the program in individually sealed medication envelopes, including the participant’s name, medication, dosage, and time of day the medicine is to be given to the participants.

Participant Expectations

• Participants need to wear appropriate attire for program participation (i.e., for athletic/fitness programs, comfortable clothing and tennis shoes need to be worn). If there are questions about the type of attire participants should wear, please contact the program leader.
• Participants are expected to arrive at programs or transportation sites displaying proper hygiene and body odor. FVSRA staff will also be consistent in stressing personal hygiene while participants are in programs and will not return participants at the end of a program in an unclean manner. To ensure participants are returned home in a clean manner, we require that you provide additional supplies when necessary (undergarments, diapers/depends, wipes, extra set of clothing, etc. Participants who need assistance toileting must wear appropriate undergarments while in the pool).

Photography & Video Policy

By registering for a FVSRA program or event, you consent that FVSRA has the right to photograph or film you or your child/ward and use the photos/videos for any purpose in any medium of communication, without compensation. If there is a specific reason you or your child/ward cannot be photographed, please contact us.

Supervision Procedure

FVSRA is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for all participants during the scheduled program hours. Supervision by our staff is only available during the published times of the program. We understand that there may be occasions where caregivers or participants arrive earlier than the scheduled start time. However, please be advised that supervision is not provided before the official start time of the program.

If you would like to request permission to be unsupervised prior to a program’s published start time, please contact Claire Howes, Superintendent of Recreation at to discuss eligibility and the approval process. FVSRA reserves the right to decline a request based on our discretion.

Drop Off / Pick Up Procedure

For participants being dropped off and picked up, staff will ask caregivers to sign their participant in at the beginning of the program and out at its conclusion. This step ensures that our participants are accounted for and safely checked in and out of each event.

For those who provide their own transportation or have received prior approval to attend unsupervised (see Supervision Procedure), you will be required to sign yourself in when you arrive and out when you leave. This process allows us to maintain accurate records of attendance and ensures the safety and security of all participants, whether they are with a caregiver or attending independently.

Refund Policy

If a program is canceled by FVSRA due to low/no enrollment, a credit will be applied to the participant’s account. For cancellations due to weather, the date may not be rescheduled and may not be eligible for a refund. Weather cancellations will be reviewed on a case by case basis. In the event a participant must drop out of a program due to an injury or illness, a doctor’s note is required unless otherwise indicated. The fee will be prorated starting with the date the request and the doctor’s note are received by FVSRA. If a participant relocates out of the area, a refund will be made once the refund request and proof of relocation are submitted to the FVSRA office. The fee will be prorated starting with the date the request and proof of relocation are received by FVSRA. Requests to withdraw from a program should be directed to the Program Leader. Program refund requests will be reviewed by Administrative staff for eligibility.

Withdrawal/Refund requests submitted within one week of the program may not be eligible for refunds. Eligible credits/refunds are subject to a $5 processing fee. For events/trips involving the purchase of tickets, contracted services, or specialized/nonreturnable supplies, the cost of said items will be deducted from the program credit/refund unless another registrant fills the space. If you have any questions regarding our Refund Policy, please contact Alex Engelhardt, Executive Director, at (630) 907-1114 or

Weather Cancellations

Programs may cancelled due to inclement weather. If a program is cancelled, staff will attempt to reach all participants by phone and email to inform them of the cancellation. Programs may or may not be rescheduled.

Resident/Non-Resident Policy

Residents will be given priority when registering for programs. Residents include all individuals who live within the boundaries of the Fox Valley, St. Charles, Geneva, Batavia, Oswegoland, Sugar Grove Park Districts, and the Village of South Elgin Parks and Recreation Department. Any individual who lives outside the participating Member Agency boundaries is considered a non-resident and will be required to pay non-resident fees  when applicable.

Any questions regarding the non-resident policy should be directed to Alex Engelhardt, Executive Director, at (630) 907-1114 or

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

FVSRA provides recreation opportunities for all and encourages participation by everyone. Our programs, services, and facilities align with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which prohibits discrimination towards individuals with disabilities. FVSRA works closely with its Member Agencies to provide information on inclusion services, facility accessibility, and communication devices. FVSRA will make reasonable modifications to enable an individual with a disability who meets essential eligibility requirements to participate in programming. Questions or concerns about compliance can be addressed with Alex Engelhardt, FVSRA Executive Director and ADA Coordinator, at 630-907-1114 ext. 1202 or

Equal Access

No participant shall, on the basis of race, sex, creed, national origin, or disability, be denied equal access to programs, activities, services or benefits, or be limited in the exercise of any right, privilege, advantage or opportunity.


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